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Our first Workshop

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Our first Phoenix futures workshop was a great success!

On Tuesday afternoon (30 May) a range of delegates from local authorities, housing associations, environmental and wildlife organisations and the private sector joined our panel of expert speakers for our first Phoenix workshop.

Richard Astle speaker
Richard Astle, hosting the event

Within the theme of ‘The Future of Communities, Housing and Environments’, the group discussed subjects including what we need to do now to prepare for developing the communities of the future, how we can engage local communities in the planning process and bring them along on our journey, how housing design and Masterplanning will need to evolve and the key factors that will impact whether future developments succeed.

Event speaker
Lord Matthew Taylor
Julie Farrow, Chief Executive, Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations

Max Farrell (DN Collective), Jas Ball (Jas Ball Architects) and Luke Butcher (Butcher Bayley Architects)

Matt Jackson (BCN Wildlife Trusts) and Daniel Johns (Water Resources East)

Natasha Reid (Matter-Space-Soul), Liane Hartley (Mend) and Trevor Gibson (PECT)

We’ll be posting a more detailed summary of the event along with some short highlight videos in due course, but in the meantime why not book your space for our second workshop which we’ll be holding at ARU Peterborough on Wednesday 19 July from 4–7pm, where we’ll be focusing on the Future of Enterprise, Employment and Energy.

Find out more at here.


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