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Meeting the theme of Huntingdonshire's new Place Strategy

Huntingdonshire 2050 Place Strategy

Our plan for Sibson Garden Community comes as Huntingdonshire District Council announces its ambitious Place Strategy to 2050. We believe our Garden Community can help deliver against each of the key themes – from creating pride in place, to environmental innovation and an inclusive economy.

Sibson Garden Community is an aspirational plan to create a 21st century sustainable market town. Set in Huntingdonshire’s nature rich Nene Valley, and prioritising a strong sense of community.

Built on garden village principles and structured around the ideas of integrated communities to support walking, wheeling and cycling – Sibson will bring jobs, homes, shops, schools and healthcare to the doorstep of its residents.

This will be paired with interconnected green spaces, a thriving natural world and walkable neighbourhoods, to shape a community where residents and nature can live side by side.


Explore how we hope to meet the ambitions of each of the Place Strategy themes:

Pride in Place graphic

Inclusive Economy graphic

Environmental Innovation graphic

Travel Transformed graphic

Health Embedded graphic


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